The Disappearing Beach

Lesson Summary
Students will be introduced to the SNA program, learn about Minnesota Point Pine Forest SNA, and develop an understanding of erosion through several demonstrations. Students will use an interactive model of a beach to demonstrate the process of erosion. The experiment will be repeated several times with different variables to determine how the amount of erosion changes with each variable. Students will also use a model to visualize the effect of grass roots on soil erosion and draw connections to the dune grass on Minnesota Point. Students will consider the positive and negative impacts their actions can have on erosion.

Other Learning Stations

Lake Superior National Estuarine Research Reserve
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
St. Louis River Quest Volunteers
City of Duluth – Utility Operations
U.S. Coast Guard & USCG Auxiliary
Minnesota Power/Boulder Lake Environmental Learning Center
Duluth Seaway Port Authority
MN DNR Scientific and Natural Areas Program
USDA Forest Service/Superior National Forest
Western Lake Superior Sanitary District
Minnesota Sea Grant Program